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TALES FROM THE EDGE - Chapter Three - Real IMVU Stories As Told by Real people!

I also fell in love with someone online in the game. I know what it felt like to go through this, very hard...I cried alot at first, it felt like someone just stabbed me multiple times in the chest and still the pain was almost unbareable. `

I loved him so so much, I missed so so much, I just could not let him go.....he was the love of my life at the time. At times the feeling was so intense that I was ready to give up eveyrthing in my real life just to be with him (FYI, I am married now for 12 years and this 12 year relationship just were not enough to stop this feeling)......It took everything I got just to keep my brain straight and to keep reminding myself to do the right thing for others around me including my husband and my family.

I was ashame to get caught in this love affair that I never wanted to engage in the first place. Despite my best effort to stay away from him, I just could not help the fact that I could NOT stay away from him. 

He gave me strength, he made me smile, and he was my brave hero. It felt so good just to be around him. He was so wonderful, so smart, so kind (always went out of his way to help others and always put other's need before his), so brave (never once I smelled his FEAR in the battle field, this man had no FEAR), so bright...I was so in love with him. 

So I know what it felt like to lose someone I loved BUT please hang in there....thing will get better...just go easy on myself (it is not your fault to love someone)...the feeling will go away given enough time away from him, that is a PROMISE that my Lord told me! 

Today I feel so much better, I don't miss him as much anymore. He was just a friend and a memory of the past.

Coupling this feeling and the withdrawal symptoms of the game, I relapsed a couple time because I wanted to see him and wanted to play the game with him. I knew I could not quit the game on my own until I found online help with my addiction. I have managed to stay game-free since then.

via - maggie

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TALES FROM THE EDGE - Chapter Three - Real IMVU Stories As Told by Real people! TALES FROM THE EDGE - Chapter Three - Real IMVU Stories As Told by Real people! Reviewed by Image Millenium on 22:35 Rating: 5

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