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TALES FROM THE EDGE - Chapter Six - Real IMVU Stories As Told by Real people!

This tragic story is told from the viewpoint of a loved one watching the man she loves slowly disappear from reality as he is consumed by IMVU.

"My husband is addicted to an internet game named imvu, it s a virtual life where you can chat with all the world...he is playing for 8 hours a day after job, 4months now, and three months he is doing a relashion ship with a girl inside this and makes with her sexual chat everyday...and he shares with all his life...w

e are married only 1 year and are trying to have a baby but the last 2 months we have big problems because of that game...she is sending a lot of messages when he is off saying that she is crazy in love but he still play with her saying me that for him it is just a game...this is the important...I feel very upset disppointed and I don t know how to react...i just feel i want to leave him...I think he miss respect me...Can you help me with that? what is the solution?

We have a perfect sexual life, and he is saying so...when i met him 5 years ago, he wanted to have a crasy night with me and other girl together, i never accepted...he was running after women, but i left him and he stopped to stay with me...and then to marry me...it kept 4 years like that and now i feel he misses women...

he is 38 year old and he says he feels complete with that game and it hasn t have to do with me...that he loves me...i don t understand, i really don t know what to do i just feel very unhappy three months now...if i say something about this game, he is very upset and speaks bad to me...

if i keep my mouth shut, he is very sweet and speak very nice but he still stays on that thing...."

via - anon

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TALES FROM THE EDGE - Chapter Six - Real IMVU Stories As Told by Real people! TALES FROM THE EDGE - Chapter Six - Real IMVU Stories As Told by Real people! Reviewed by Image Millenium on 23:00 Rating: 5

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