TALES FROM THE EDGE - Chapter Four - Real IMVU Stories As Told by Real people!

So far the stories we've covered have been tragic but this one is postive and comes in time for Valentines Day too!

"A story about how I met someone very special to me in IMVU...."

"It was a very difficult time for me, I could not find myself and often spent time in IMVU, hanging out with people from my country was fun... I made a friend in IMVU with whom I started to communicate very well, she told me about a guy who also plays IMVU, he is not in a relationship, but very good and kind, I told her at the time that I did not want anything with anyone, because I was broken by the previous events in my life.

February came and in one of the rooms he came in, and we started talking about everything as if we had known each other all our lives, we sat in the room all day, and so on for a week, we corresponded at night and decided to meet, met in life, he drove 200 kilometers for me just to see me, and so we began to meet every week, and after a month of meetings, we realized that we could no longer live without each other, and then we began to live together.

We have been together for 4 years and I am very happy."

Pictures and story via Nastya.

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TALES FROM THE EDGE - Chapter Four - Real IMVU Stories As Told by Real people! TALES FROM THE EDGE - Chapter Four - Real IMVU Stories As Told by Real people! Reviewed by Image Millenium on 21:58 Rating: 5

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