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TALES FROM THE EDGE - Chapter Two - Real IMVU Stories As Told by Real people!

This new section has been so well received by everyone that we're delighted to continue it with more stories from real people who've played IMVU.

TALES FROM THE EDGE - Chapter One - Real IMVU Stories As Told by Real people!

I got involved with this daddy dom on there. he was very attentive and asked me to marry him but he was controlling and manilupative. he was mean and every time I turned around some of his exes or some girl was coming in to his club saying stuff and he would boot and block on imvu. 

I loved him so much and we would break up and get back together over period of 5 months. I was gone for a few weeks off of there and kept my fb for games up and he asked me to come back after his break up with new gf( this happened like a week after our breakup) he professed to love me so friggin much. 

so after few days of her stalking us i went to bed one night after him telling me he loved me so much and then woke up to get on and saw he had gotten back with her. 

during al this time he has other girls sending hiim pictures, sexy ones , demanding I did, every few days.,wascheating with ones he supposed to have blocked. his fettish is mostly women under age of 35 but his new gf is 22 and hes meeting her in rl in few weeks. hes 47 and hes very jealous, i fear for her, bc he goes off really easily . 

im blocked now after she made up story about me and i think he makes them up cause she told me as much . i cant seem to get over him, constantly think of him, he makes u feel special and is giving and thats how he lures women in.

via - callisto7777

We hope you've enjoyed this all-new section and we will continue to bring you more stories. Addiction is real and if you or a loved one needs help, please seek it out.

For more Tales From the Edge click here

Remember to check in daily and if you have any sotries of your own, suggestions or pics you want to share, message us, comment below or send via email to imagemillenium@gmail.com

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TALES FROM THE EDGE - Chapter Two - Real IMVU Stories As Told by Real people! TALES FROM THE EDGE - Chapter Two - Real IMVU Stories As Told by Real people! Reviewed by Image Millenium on 01:43 Rating: 5

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